Where Sh*t Gets Built, Beauty is captured, and laughing is Essential. No Bullsh•t.
Let me clear up a few things before I blah, blah you about my creative ventures and their superb takeaways. Each of my creative ventures is surprisingly full of Life Lessons and Laughter. So, I decided to share them with you, hoping you take what's needed and share what's not. Whoever you share with will cherish you for helping them without the "mental health needs" judgment. Judging are we? Don't be weird. Every single one of us owes ourselves love and mental health awareness. If anything I say hits home, I pray you can leave here, not with just a good read but with hope and a fire desire to turn Lemons into Lemonade and Hoes into Housewives. Lol. Well, at least hustling housewives. Hold on, hear me out. Love yourself by falling in love with being obedient and disciplined in what matters. Gaining the strength required to acquire both isn't a walk in the park but worth every bump and bruise received for the win, much like one of my childhood memories.
In middle school, every day after basketball practice, I walked across the street to the neighborhood convenience store; it was there where my soul was full of temptation, and a choice had to be made. I wanted to spend my money on my favorite junk combo: An orange Fanta soda, a bag of white cheddar popcorn, and a Twix to complete the meal after lunch, but before dinner, which my mom knew nothing about. Anyway, I was there for one reason: winning the game, all 256 stages. Unfortunately, the pocket change my grandfather would bless me with wasn't enough to do both. My well-thought-out choice had me yanking the store door open, damn near sliding down the aisle while squinting to block out the snack temptations on both sides, beelining to the back of the store to the queen. I played until I regretfully ran out of quarters. Mrs. Pac-Man had my ass in a chokehold at an early age. She took all my money. I would have five quarters, meaning I had 15 lives to advance to the next level while gaining more lives as I chomped through the life maze, dodging those colorful haters. "Ghosts" of all races did everything they could to kill my vibe, but I kept clearing my land, eating my fruits, and swallowing huge vitamins that powered me up and made me faster and wiser to outsmart those pesky ass bullies. I'd hit a quick right, snatching on the joystick, then a quick left, followed by a fierce, quick head shake that jooked my pretty ass right up out of their attempted gang bang. Whew! After a while, it became easy. I put in so much work and studied my Opps to save myself. They indeed got the best of me sometimes. Well, many times, but you must remember I had five quarters that gave me 15 lives to fight back. We, my lovelies, have one life to fight for and many chances to make better choices. Maintaining persistence, prayer, patience, and the power to get back up after uninvited failures is the game. Win.
Ok. You get the picture, so Play Ms. Pac-Man with me. As mentioned, I could have kept my quarters, shopped in the store, or gone to the candy lady's house up the street like everyone else, but I chose to accomplish my mission and have fun doing it. Life is the same. Shit happens. How we respond and handle ourselves in the middle of the storm determines the outcome. We just often choose to eat and enjoy the cake at the wrong damn time, hence Buying and not Saving, Preying instead of Praying, Expecting what you can't provide, Spending more, Making less, and Celebrating before Securing the Win. All of this, my friend, has to stop. Your children are watching, and boyyyyy, are they listening. Don't play the victim due to your bad choices or not learning a damn thing about yourself or this world to kick ass in it. If you are still losing at Mrs. Pacman, obviously, your way isn't working for you. Let's try a different approach. Let's try looking at and dissecting the person staring back in the mirror. Have you been a real friend to the person staring back? I challenge you to reset and try again with purpose. Along the way, pay attention to detail. See yourself in the present without materialistic cloaks of validation, just your nakedness. Who are you without any of those things? If you don't know, then the shit that I have to say, you're likely to be offended, so this is kind of sort of like my disclaimer. Lol. It's time to keep it real if you plan to build your desired lifestyle. I'm rooting for you.
This read is the beginning of something extraordinary. It's like taking a daily vitamin that serves your thoughts so well that you start to make better choices. I mean, let's be clear: we all have things going on with us that potentially will have us show the "crazy" hiding in the crevices of our minds, awaiting the moment to show the f#ck out. Therefore, obedience and discipline are warranted. Get you some of those.
The world seems to be getting weirder and colder. Not ice bath cold, but emotionally cold, strange and isolating. People think that they are living in the "I don't give a f#ck bubble." When the truth is, they give way too many f*cks silently. This internal war and turmoil leads to their mental, emotional, physical, and financial chaos. All that energy put into overthinking and self-sabotaging is dead. I want every soul reading this to know when to be done with anything in your way of success or a better you. I learned the hard way by ignoring my triggers, hiding my pain, and refusing to believe people are often not who they say they are but who they wish to be. End your pain, Sis; you too, Bro, and be honest with the person staring back in the mirror to make room for change. Learn from it all. Ya, dig? It's time to let go of that negativity and embrace a better, healthier you. Cliche'', mmm hmm, I know, but so is making excuses for not growing, learning, or tending to your mental health. Worry and anger hold no weight, nor does it solve problems. Truth and Therapy do!
I know life is like trying to walk a straight line while blindfolded; it is a balancing act filled with stress, fears, doubts, and self-sabotaging confusion. I get it, and I could go on and on with fitting descriptions of life. Amidst it all, I'm here to offer encouragement and show you how the art of creativity heals, much like when you discover the beauty and joy in your photos and videos. When you stumble upon those treasures, time freezes, and you ride on a cloud of nostalgia straight down memory lane, street, and highway of pure goodness, or maybe not. If the latter is the case, we have some work to do. Be grateful for those memorable moments. They come in handy when we feel alone or exhausted from the trying days of figuring it all out. Remember, you are not alone, and none of us has it mapped out; we're all just winging it. But we all deserve those warm, fuzzy moments filled with life lessons, love, and laughter. I found a way to make every job a creative process, resulting in something meaningful and cherishable for generations. Consider "Creative EveryThang" your dose of feel-good with artistic finesse and a generous serving of my authentic, firm personality. Life's too short to be boring and sugar-coating things, don't you agree?
The CE blog topics will range from remodeling a kitchen to capturing the essence of a bride and groom or simply sharing my version of the Mona Lisa. Creative EveryThang is about embracing life's chaos and finding beauty in a mess. Every project is a learning adventure worth sharing. And you're invited to join me on this artistic yet healing voyage.
Creatively Yours,
I love it! Great motivator! Thank you
Love it.. Great read❤️
Great read! My favorite takeaway...love yourself by falling in love with being obedient and disciplined to what matters. A whole word and mindset to covet. Congrats to you! - Dee Dee
Absolute wonderful read. We must address the woman/man in the mirror to make any PROgress! And for the record, PacMan had me in a chokehold as well 😂
Amazing read….enjoyed it immensely 📖